Thursday, March 6, 2014


I'm actually posting this on 3/6, but I remember most of what I did yesterday! I ate pretty well (okay, if you don't count the green tea ice cream and cheese cake!) until late into the night :(. I was about to go to sleep around 2am when I realized I had forgotten to pack my siblings' lunches. As I prepared their lunches, I ended up snacking on some ritz crackers, a mini pretzel dog, and a bread roll... The bread roll was going to expire soon so I have an excuse for that, but I have no excuse for the others! On the upside, I exercised pretty well! On an unrelated downside, I'm using a new moisturizer and I think it's causing me to break out a bit o.o.

Meal 1: grandpa's scrambled eggs with fish sauce and sriracha; momma's tofu, pork, and tomatoes dish; momma's green bean and other greens dish; purple yams! I couldn't finish the yams so I snacked on them throughout the day n.n

Meal 2: My mom's greens soup and pork. I reused the bowl from above. I know that may sound kind of gross (I get chastised by my grandparents and mom all the time), but it cuts down on washing one dish! And to be honest, there shouldn't be too much bacteria in the bowl since I usually clean the plate. And ehhh, any bacteria actualyl leftover is killed by my microwave nuking. 

Snack: It's Michelle's 5th birthday! I used to think my cousin was so devious as a toddler. Although she had her cute moments, her tantrums and behavior generally annoyed me; she would draw on the walls, have tantrums, leave her toys everywhere, yell and talk back, etc...! Despite the fact that she's only five, her personality has really changed and grown this year. She's so much sweeter and more polite ^^. She's still very crazy and loud, but I hope she'll keep that energy and spunk (don't become a mindless zombie without any personality!). Anyways... we had strawberry swirl cheesecake for her birthday and I ate a slice with some green tea ice cream. Hehe, my mom bought the ice cream specifically for me! It's the little things that she does that show me she cares n.n

Meal 3: Post work-out meal? Lol. I had a sashimi salad with mango and strawberries. It tasted so good and after working out, the meal felt well-deserved :). 

Interesting article: Arsenic in Chicken Feed (link 1, 2) -- I learned about this today and it kind of shocked me. I think if more people knew that their chicken contained traces of arsenic, a known carcinogen, drugs like Roxarsone would have been pulled sooner. I don't have the money to always buy organic, but when I get the means to, I definitely will buy organic, grass-fed, cage-free, sustainable agriculture, fair trade, all that stuff! 

Music of the day
  • Tori Kelly: Dear No One (link)
  • Katastro: Alone (link)
  • Silverstein: Massachusetts (link)

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