Thursday, March 6, 2014


Alarm. Wake up. Nothing to do. Fall back asleep. Wake up at 11.
That's my morning... after two weeks of trying to wake up earlier, I think I've concluded that I'm never going to wake up earlier than 11. Well, unless I have something to do :P. 

Anyways... meatless day today! I told myself I would cut down on buying meat dishes when I go out to eat (exception is when I'm sharing a dish, the place is known for a meat dish and doesn't really have any good meatless alternatives, and Mcdonalds... I can't let you go yet!) so when my friend asked me out to lunch, I decided to start the day off with vegetables :). 

Meal 1: Delicious ass sandwich at Bon Fresco! It's called the Fresco sandwich and it was delicious!!! It had grilled zucchini, roasted peppers, artichoke hearts, and hot pepper cheese on ciabatta bread. The sandwich also had a pesto/sauce that was amazing. I honestly want to learn to make this sandwich... I also had a piece of my friend's brownie! 

Snack: I got this crescent from this Middle Eastern/European market across from Bon Fresco (I'm not entirely sure of the origin or theme of the store because it had snacks and products from many countries). I will be honest... I was disappointed in this product. The picture showed a crescent flowing with chocolate and white creme. The picture sat on a bed of lies :(. The other five in the package will go to my siblings... lol. 

Meal 2: miso soup; cheese potato hash with onions; asparagus and cabbage; mango/banana smoothie with beet/carrot/fruit juice. Smh... fruit juice. FRUIT JUICE! I was a fool and used juice that had been sitting out on the table. Although I noticed the drink had been out for days, I didn't really think anything of it. I usually don't drink juice so I figured it was left out for a reason. Well, the reason is that my family likes to leave food and drinks out :P. Even still when I opened the bottle and it felt weird like there was pressure contained within the bottle, I sniffed it and continued to use it. Remember to refrigerate juices okay?! The smoothie was delicious but I ended up being very bloated and a bit light headed...

Snack: Plain yogurt with a dollop of orange marmalade and green tea ice cream. I went with my friends to taco bell (yes, we go out specifically for taco bell!) and I also had a cinnabon bite thing and some seaweed. 

Music of the day
  • Guy Sebastian: Undo (link)
  • Xilent: Boss Wave (link)
  • Justice: D.A.N.C.E. (link -- the mv is awesome btw) (MSTRKRFT remix link)

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